Mark and Heather

Family Status: Available
Family Information:
Year Born: 1973
Education: High School Plus
Occupation: Electrical Worker
Religion: Catholic
Year Born: 1970
Education: Master’s Degree Plus
Occupation: Teacher & Coach
Religion: Lutheran
Mark and Heather
Children: 0
Pets: 1
Year Married: 6
Region of State: Southeast
Residence: City
Family Favorites:
Book: Any WWII book
Movie: Sci Fi & Dystopian
Song: Music Buff-All Genres!
Food: Mexican, Thai, Pizza
Color: Blue
Animal: Cats and Dogs
Hobbies: Cars and Family Time
Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Book: The Giving Tree
Movie: Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club
Song: Anything Techno/Dance
Food: Thai, Arabic, Greek, Indian
Color: Green
Animal: Cats
Hobbies: Gardening and Being Outside
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Adoption Preferences:
Open To
History of Mental Health Issues
Open to Ongoing Contact with Birth Parents
African American
Native American
Family Profile: Click Here
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