Scott & Inok

Thank you so much for taking the time to review and consider our profile! We are a loving and fun couple looking for a child or sibling group to join our family and share our adventures. Scott serves as the Senior Pastor at River Cities Christian Church in central Wisconsin and Inok teaches piano (she fills Scott’s life with music!). The most important thing about us is our faith and love for Jesus, a love we seek to extend to those around us. We would love the opportunity to connect with you and explore what a potential future might look like.
Year Born: 1980
Race: White
Education Level: Master's Degree
Occupation: Senior Pastor
Religion: Christian
Personality: Reflective, organized, fun-loving, silly
Hobbies & Interests: Reading, writing, puzzles, walks
Year Born: 1978
Race: Asian
Education Level: High School
Occupation: Piano Instructor
Religion: Christian
Personality: Creative, discerning, diligent
Hobbies & Interests: Music, art, puzzles, comedies
Scott & Inok
Region of Wisconsin: Central Wisconsin
Year of Marriage: 2006
Child Care Plans after Placement: Inok will provide child care at home.
Religion Child Will be Raised In: Christian
Pets: None
Animal: Monkeys
Book: Gone with the Wind
Candy Bar: Butterfinger
Color: Red
Food: Pizza, Cookies
Game: Risk, Settlers of Catan
Hobby: Reading
Ice Cream Flavor: Cookie Dough or Blue Moon
Movie: Anything Batman
Place to Visit: Bookstore
Song: Taylor Swift, Train, Mercy Me
Sports Team: N/A
Animal: Puppies
Book: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Candy Bar: Hershey's
Color: Pink
Food: Korean Short Ribs
Game: Super Mario Kart
Hobby: Piano
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Movie: Avengers
Place to Visit: An Island
Song: I Am They
Sports Team: N/A
Feelings Regarding Openness:
We feel it is healthy!
Participate in Prenatal Appointments:
We are very open to being at prenatal appointments.
Participate in Labor and Delivery:
We are very open to being at labor and delivery.
Frequency of In-Person Meetings:
Once a month.
Frequency of Telephone Contact:
As frequently as desired by child and first parents.
Frequency of Pictures & Letters:
Flexible, but we feel it is extremely important to keep birth mom apprised of the child's life/growth/activities.
Acceptable Situations:
No Prenatal Care
Premature Birth
Complications at Birth
Correctable, treatable medical issues
Ongoing health issues
Prenatal exposure to alcohol
Prenatal exposure to drugs
Prenatal exposure to nicotine
Birth Parent(s) Have Physical Health Issues
Birth Parent(s) Have Mental Health Issues
No info about birth mother
No info about birth father
Multiple possible birth fathers
Birth Parent(s) have criminal history
Conception as a result of rape
Conception as a result of incest
African American
Native American
Number of Children
Either Gender
Age Range:
0-6 Months
6 Months-1 Year
1+ Year