Patrick & Danielle

Thank you for considering our family for your baby. We believe adoption to be the ultimate selfless act and are humbled by your brave decision. We want you to know that we will welcome this child into our lives, and are committed to providing a loving, safe, caring, and happy home. We are excited to grow our family and look forward to taking this journey with you!
Year Born: 1971
Race: White
Education: High School
Occupation: Dental Technician
Religion: Catholic
Personality: Sociable, kind, precise, confident
Hobbies/Interests: WWII military history, vehicle restoration
Year Born: 1971
Race: White
Education: Masters
Occupation: Nursing Instructor
Religion: Catholic
Personality: Nurturing, determined, optimistic, encouraging
Hobbies/Interests: Running, crafts, baking
Patrick and Danielle
Pets: None, planning for dog
Year Married: 1997
Region of State: Southwest
Childcare Plans After Placement: Danielle will stay home for first several months, then part-time daycare, Danielle has summers off
Religion Child Will be Raised In: Catholic
Animal: Golden Retriever
Book: Technical Manuals
Candy Bar: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Color: Military Green
Food: Pizza
Game: Football
Hobby: WWII military history, vehicle restoration
Ice Cream Flavor: Maple Nut
Movie: Action and Historic Military
Place to Visit: Anywhere in Northern Wisconsin
Song: Rolling Stones and Classic Country
Sports Team: Minnesota Vikings
Animal: Guinea Pig
Book: Mystery
Candy Bar: Twix
Color: Blue
Food: Pizza
Game: Puzzles and family board games
Hobby: Running, crafts, baking
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Monster
Movie: Romantic Comedies
Place To Visit: Sunny beaches
Song: Rock and Pop
Sports Team: Minnesota Vikings
Feelings Regarding Openness:
Positive, feel comfortable in making a plan with birthparents
Participate in Prenatal Appointments:
Would love to participate
Participate in Labor and Delivery:
Would love to participate, even being present at hospital day of birth would be great
Frequency of In-Person Meetings:
Open to comfort level of birthparents
Frequency of Telephone Contact:
Open to comfort level of birthparents
Frequency of Pictures and Letters:
Open to comfort level of birthparents
Acceptable Situations:
No Prenatal Care
Birth Parent(s) Have Physical Health Issues
Premature Birth
Birth Parent(s) Have Mental Health Issues
Complications at Birth
No info about birth mother
Correctable, treatable medical issues
No info about birth father
Ongoing health issues
Multiple possible birth fathers
Prenatal exposure to alcohol
Birth Parent(s) have criminal history
Prenatal exposure to drugs
Conception as a result of rape
Prenatal exposure to nicotine
Number of Children:
Either Gender
Age Range:
0-6 Months
6 Months-1 Year