Mat & Sammie

Hello! We are Mat & Sammie. Although we are extremely grateful for each other, we both have always dreamed of being parents and are looking forward to the day that it happens. We promise to provide a wonderful life for your child full of love, growth, affection, understanding and compassion.
Year Born: 1982
Race: Caucasian
Education Level: High School
Occupation: Self-Employed Farmer
Religion: Lutheran
Personality: Easygoing, friendly, caring, and helpful
Hobbies & Interests:Watching sports, hunting, kayaking, and farm auctions
Year Born: 1980
Race: Caucasian
Education Level: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: Self-Employed Farmer
Religion: Lutheran
Personality: Outgoing, friendly, caring, and compassionate
Hobbies & Interests: Watching sports, thrifting, reading, crafting, kayaking, and gardening
Mat & Sammie
Region of Wisconsin: West Central Wisconsin
Year of Marriage: 2022
Child Care Plans after Placement: We do not plan on needing childcare. We are able to adjust our work schedules to make sure that one of us is always home.
Religion Child Will be Raised In: Lutheran
Pets: Barn cats and a lot of cattle!
Animal: Calf
Book: No particular book, but enjoys farming or hunting magazines
Candy Bar: Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Color: Red
Food: Steak
Game: Cards
Hobby: Hunting
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
Movie: Step-Brothers
Place to Visit: Mississippi Tractor Auction
Song: No particular favorite
Sports Team: Brewers
Animal: Cat
Book: Any Colleen Hoover book
Candy Bar: Snickers
Color: Olive
Food: Chicken
Game: Clue
Hobby: Thrifting
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Movie: The Notebook
Place to Visit: Nashville
Song: No particular favorite
Sports Team: No particular favorite
Feelings Regarding Openness:
Open for discussion.
Participate in Prenatal Appointments:
Yes – dependent upon birth parents’ feelings.
Participate in Labor and Delivery:
Yes – dependent upon birth parents’ feelings.
Frequency of In-Person Meetings:
Open for discussion.
We are open to discussing anything that comes up.
Frequency of Telephone Contact:
Open for discussion.
Frequency of Pictures & Letters:
Open for discussion.
Acceptable Situations:
No prenatal care
Premature Birth
Complications at Birth
Correctable, treatable medical issues
Prenatal exposure to alcohol
Prenatal exposure to drugs
Prenatal exposure to nicotine
Birth Parent(s) Have Physical Health Issues
Birth Parent(s) Have Mental Health Issues
No info about birth mother
No info about birth father
Multiple, possible birth fathers
Birth Parent(s) have criminal history
Conception as a result of rape
Number of Children:
Either Gender
Age Range:
0-6 Months
6 Months to 1 Year
1+ Years