Luis & Michelle

While we cannot imagine the depth and complexity of what you are going through right now, please know that we will be praying for you. Our commitment to you, should you choose us as your child’s adoptive family, is to love unconditionally and provide a tender, nurturing environment in which your child will thrive. We are praying that God’s peace and guidance will wash over you during this process, so that you’ll feel confident in whichever decision you make for your precious little one. We want what is best for you and your baby. Thank you for considering our family!
Year Born: 1971
Race: Hispanic
Education Level: Associate's Degree
Occupation: Telecommunications
Religion: Catholic
Personality: Outgoing, hardworking, ambitious
Hobbies & Interests: Lawncare, biking, outdoor activities
Year Born: 1977
Race: Caucasian
Education Level: Bachelor's Degree
Occupation: Health Care
Religion: Catholic
Personality: Kind, generous, dependable
Hobbies & Interests: Gardening, baking, running, outdoor activities
Luis & Michelle
Region of Wisconsin: Southeast
Year of Marriage: 1996
Child Care Plans after Placement: Part-time childcare center after first four months
Religion Child Will be Raised In: Catholic
Pets: No pets currently
Animal: Dog
Book: Any Military History
Color: Green
Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs
Game: Horseracing Dice Game
Hobby: Lawn Care, Fishing
Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla
Movie: Big
Place to Visit: Texas
Sports Team: Philadelphia Eagles
Animal: Turtle
Book: Kristin Hannah Books
Candy Bar: Reeses Peanut Butter Cups
Color: Blue
Food: Salmon
Game: Any Card Games
Hobby: Gardening/Flowers
Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Movie: Blended
Place to Visit: Europe
Song: 80's
Sports Team: Green Bay Packers
Feelings Regarding Openness:
We are open to meeting as long as it is appropriate/safe for a child.
Participate in Prenatal Appointments:
We would be honored to be part of your journey but depending on location and comfort level.
Participate in Labor and Delivery:
Yes, we would love to be part of this experience if expectant parents are open and comfortable.
Frequency of In-Person Meetings:
Open to meeting 2-3 times a year.
Frequency of Telephone Contact:
We are open and willing to be flexible.
Frequency of Pictures & Letters:
We are open to discussing what frequency of contact will look like after placement (monthly, quarterly). If you want a more closed adoption, we will honor that request as well.
Acceptable Situations:
No Prenatal Care
Premature Birth
Complications at birth
Correctable, treatable medical issues
Prenatal Exposure to alcohol
Prenatal Exposure to drugs
Prenatal Exposure to nicotine
Birth Parent(s) Have Physical Health Issues
Birth Parent(s) Have Mental Health Issues
No info about birth mother
No info about birth father
Multiple, possible birth fathers
Birth Parent(s) have criminal history
Conception as a result of rape
Conception as a result of incest
Native American
Number of Children:
Either Gender
Age Range:
0-6 Months
6 Months to 1 Year
1+ Years