David & Sofia

David and Sofia

We'd like you to know how grateful we are for your courage, foresight, and selflessness at this pivotal moment. Rest assured that your profound love for this child will be conveyed early and often so he/she will always know of your wonderful role bringing life into the world, sharing this blessing with us. Thank you for considering us to endlessly love and guide this child; you will be in our prayers.


Year Born: 1994
Race: Caucasion
Education Level: High School Diploma
Occupation: Payment Solutions Specialist (RCU)
Religion: Lutheran
Personality: Honest, hardworking, supporting, outgoing, adventurous, and faith-driven
Hobbies & Interests: Reading, gaming, traveling, theater/choir


Year Born: 1997
Race: Caucasion
Education Level: Master of Science
Occupation: Social Studies Teacher
Religion: Catholic
Personality: Caring, generous, talkative, determined, adventurous, and passionate
Hobbies & Interests: Cooking/baking, knitting, shopping, cello-playing

David & Sofia

Region of Wisconsin: St. Croix County
Years of Marriage: 5 years
Child Care Plans after Placement: Stay at home during the summertime; Hybrid work flexibility for Dad; Daycare when necessary
Religion Child Will be Raised In: Catholic
Pets: Benny and Smokey, 2 felines


Animal: Deer
Book: Harry Potter Series
Candy Bar: Butterfinger
Color: Red
Food: Macaroni and Cheese
Game: Skyrim
Hobby: Road Trips
Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Movie: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Place to Visit: Orlando, Florida
Song: Wake Me Up (Avicii)
Sports Team: Milwaukee Brewers

Animal: Tiger
Book: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
Candy Bar: Take 5
Color: Pink
Food: Pizza
Game: Catch Phrase
Hobby: Listening to Music
Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip
Movie: Jurassic World Series
Place to Visit: Paris, France
Song: Love Story (Taylor Swift)
Sports Team: Green Bay Packers (not really a huge sports fan)


Feelings Regarding Openness:
Limited contact-will be more open as child matures.

Participate in Prenatal Appointments:

Participate in Labor and Delivery:

Frequency of In-Person Meetings:
Quarterly and Annually

We hope to extend our family not just through the adoption of a child but through knowing and loving the child’s family.

Frequency of Telephone Contact:
Quarterly and Annually

Frequency of Pictures and Letters:


Acceptable Situations:
Premature Birth
Complications at Birth
Correctable, treatable medical issues
Ongoing Health Issues
Birth Parent(s) Have Physical Health Issues
Birth Parent(s) Have Mental Health Issues
No info about birth mother
No info about birth father
Multiple possible birth fathers
Conception as a result of rape

Native American

Number of Children 

Either Gender

Age Range:
0-6 Months
6 Months-1 Year
1+ Years