Cody & Harlie

We met in high school and have now been together for 13 years and married for 8. We feel called to grow our family through adoption after seeing firsthand how great a blessing it has been for family and friends that have adopted or have been adopted. We enjoy hiking, fishing, camping, and cooking together. We look forward to taking your child with us camping, sharing holiday traditions with them, and supporting their passions as they grow. To a certain extent, we are kids at heart, so we are excited for all the fun new activities we will do as a family of three – like going to trampoline parks, getting a slip ‘n slide, and singing and dancing to Disney soundtracks together!
Year Born: 1994
Race: White/Caucasian
Education Level: Technical College Licensing
Occupation: Foreman Lineman (Business Owner as of 1/2024)
Religion: Christian
Personality: Family-oriented, laidback, helpful, caring
Hobbies & Interests: Woodworking, games, mechanical projects, fishing
Year Born: 1994
Race: White/Caucasian
Education Level: Graduate with MBA in December
Occupation: Director of the Small Business Development
Religion: Christian
Personality: Caring, dedicated, creative
Hobbies & Interests: Painting, reading, hiking
Cody & Harlie
Region of Wisconsin: Midwestern Wisconsin (Chippewa Falls)
Years of Marriage: 8
Child Care Plans after Placement: Cody, Harlie, and their family has very flexible schedules so we would not need child care.
Religion Child Will be Raised In: Lutheran Bretheran
Pets: We have a Goldendoodle named Mango that will be 4 years old in January of 2024.
Animal: Dog
Book: Robin Hobb Series
Candy Bar: Kit Kat
Color: Green
Food: Nachos
Game: Ping Pong
Hobby: Woodworking
Ice Cream Flavor: NA (lactose intolerant :])
Movie: The Hobbit
Place to Visit: Door County
Song: Unsure
Sports Team: NA
Animal: Panda
Book: Robin Hobb Series
Candy Bar: Twix
Color: Teal
Food: Ice Cream
Game: Sequence
Hobby: Painting
Ice Cream Flavor: Birthday Cake
Movie: The Hobbit
Place to Visit: Door County
Song: Unsure
Sports Team: NA
Feelings Regarding Openness:
We are willing to consider what makes most sense for the birth mom and the child.
Participate in Prenatal Appointments:
We are willing to consider what makes most sense for the birth mom and the child.
Participate in Labor and Delivery:
We are willing to consider what makes most sense for the birth mom and the child.
Frequency of In-Person Meetings:
We are willing to consider what makes most sense for the birth mom and the child.
Frequency of Telephone Contact:
We are willing to consider what makes most sense for the birth mom and the child.
Frequency of Pictures & Letters:
We are willing to consider what makes most sense for the birth mom and the child.
Acceptable Situations:
No Prenatal Care
Premature Birth
Complications at Birth
Correctable, treatable medical issues
Ongoing health issues
Prenatal exposure to drugs
Prenatal exposure to nicotine
Birth Parent(s) Have Physical Health Issues
Birth Parent(s) Have Mental Health Issues
No info about birth mother
No info about birth father
Multiple possible birth fathers
Birth Parent(s) have criminal history
Conception as a result of rape
African American
Native American
Number of Children
Either Gender
Age Range:
0-6 Months
6 Months-1 Year
1+ Year