For Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse, the year 2024 was a year of much grace, and at the same time, many challenges. Thanks to your generosity, we assisted thousands of individuals in our 19-county Diocese. Through our Adoption program, 46 children found loving homes. In La Crosse, Eau Claire, and Wausau, 1,039 of our neighbors stayed in our shelters and had a warm, safe place to sleep, eat, wash their clothes, and shower instead of facing the extreme cold or heat. We have assisted in placement of 65 homeless individuals and families into permanent housing, and through our Thriving Families and Beyond Shelter programs, we are currently providing housing to 25 individuals, including 13 children.

Additionally, Catholic Charities Driftless Pass School and Disability Services provides care and education to 92 participants facing significant intellectual and emotional challenges. Nearly 3,000 people received financial counseling and support through our St. Lawrence Community Services program to assist them from potentially falling into homelessness.

While our work continues to grow, rising costs due to inflation have created an additional financial challenge that we need your help to resolve. Catholic Charities is a volunteer-dependent charitable institution. Without your support, prayers, donations, and the gift of your time, we could not serve those who need us most. It is by the Grace of God expressed in your generosity that we serve others; and God willing, we will continue to meet the demand of those in need within the 19 counties of the Diocese of La Crosse.

This Lent, we ask again for your help. If you can, please consider increasing your donation or giving for the first time. Most importantly, please keep us in your prayers as we continue this vital work.

Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you as we prepare for the joy of Easter!