Dave & Jen

We recognize this is a difficult time for you. Please know that we have a lot of love to give and are eager to grow our family.
Year Born: 1976
Race: White
Education: BS Marine Biology
Occupation: Line Cook
Religion: United Methodist
Personality: Hardworking, easy going, family oriented
Hobbies/Interests: Woodworking, kayaking, hiking, & spending time with family
Year Born: 1975
Race: White
Education: BS Environmental Studies
Occupation: Eligibility & Billing Specialists
Religion: United Methodist
Personality: Easy going, family oriented, helpful
Hobbies/Interests: Spending time with family, reading, playing video games
Dave and Jen
Pets: Two cats: Hershey & Ares and 1 Chinchilla Miam
Year Married: 2000
Region of State: Columbia County / South Central
Childcare Plans After Placement: Jen will take 8 weeks of FMLA. Then Dave’s sister Lucy will babysit while Jen & Dave we are at work
Religion Child Will be Raised In: United Methodist
Animal: Snow Leopard
Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Candy Bar: Reese's Peanut Butter Cup
Color: Purple
Food: Tiramisu
Game: Risk
Hobby: Woodworking
Ice Cream Flavor: Butter Pecan
Movie: Star Wars
Place to Visit: Maine
Song: One Headlight
Sports Team: Green Bay Packers
Animal: Lynx
Book: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Candy Bar: Three Muskateers
Color: Red
Food: Pizza
Game: Monopoly
Hobby: Playing video games
Ice Cream Flavor: Mint Chip
Movie: Beaches
Place To Visit: Mystic Connecticut
Song: Lady in Red
Sports Team: New England Patriots
Feelings Regarding Openness:
We are as open as the birth parents are comfortable being.
Participate in Prenatal Appointments:
We would leave this decision up to the birth parents, if they are okay with us being there then we would love to particpate, if not then we would respect the birth parents wishes.
Participate in Labor and Delivery:
Open for discussion
Frequency of In-Person Meetings:
Open for discussion
Frequency of Telephone Contact:
Open for discussion
Frequency of Pictures and Letters:
Open for discussion
We recognize this is a difficult decision for a birth parent to make but please know that we would be as respectful and understanding as possible with all aspects of the adoption process.
Acceptable Situations:
No Prenatal Care
Premature Birth
Complications at Birth
No info about birth mother
Correctable, treatable medical issues
No info about birth father
Ongoing health issues
Multiple possible birth fathers
Birth Parent(s) have criminal history
Prenatal exposure to drugs
Conception as a result of rape
Prenatal exposure to nicotine
Conception as a result of incest
African American
Native American
Number of Children:
Either Gender
Age Range:
0-6 Months
6 Months-1 Year
1+ Year