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Adoption over Abortion
Have you found yourself in an unexpected pregnancy, but you know you’re not ready to raise a baby? You may find yourself considering unplanned pregnancy options. In the articles below, learn the facts about adoption over abortion options, and find the resources you need to guide you.
You are not alone.
“Abortion is fast and painless. A clean break. An easy way out. No one will ever have to know of my pregnancy.”
Some women facing an unplanned pregnancy believe the statement above to be true, but the reality is much more complicated.
It is common for women to believe abortion is a “quick fix” to a big problem. They often believe abortion is cheaper, more confidential, and better for their long-term wellbeing, when in reality that is not the case — they don’t understand the facts about adoption. Adoption is free, confidential, and an amazing long-term solution to an unplanned pregnancy.
If you are considering abortion over adoption, here is a brief comparison of the two:
Abortion costs range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on your provider and your stage of pregnancy. Also, availability of this option may vary on a case-by-case basis.
Conversely, not only is adoption free, but you may also receive living expenses from the adoptive family to help you cover pregnancy-related expenses such as rent, food, utilities, transportation, maternity clothing, a cell phone and more.
Some women choose abortion over adoption because they believe it is the only confidential option. What they may not realize is an adoption can also be completed confidentially, were a woman’s family, friends and community won’t know about it. Any information you share in an adoption placement is strictly confidential, and your adoption worker can help you maintain as much privacy as you’d like during your pregnancy and adoption plan.
Long-Term Well-Being
With adoption a woman can be reassured of her decision for years to come through a continued relationship with her child. Through an open adoption, she can see her child through pictures or even ongoing visits. She will get to know about and be a part of all the amazing things her child goes on to do, and she will always be reminded of the incredible gift of life she gave to her child choosing adoption.
Women who choose abortion don’t have the same opportunities, which can make it more difficult to come to terms with their decision. It’s possible that a woman may question or doubt her abortion decision long after the procedure, and it’s important to be aware of the potential psychological effects of abortion.
By choosing adoption after considering abortion or making an adoption plan, you are not “giving up” on your child. Instead, you’re giving your baby the gift of a wonderful childhood, adoptive parents who may otherwise have no opportunity a chance at becoming parents, and yourself a better chance of moving on from this difficult time in your life.

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