Adoption has changed dramatically over the past several years. The years of agencies having expectant mothers walk in the door to create an adoption plan has been replaced with social media and the internet. Though we still work with approximately 40-50 expectant mothers a year, many of them come to us already matched with a family – either through an independent match or through the internet.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse Adoption Services goal is to help you build your family. We want you to have as many opportunities as possible. For these reasons, we require our families who are in our Instate Program to market themselves. This can be scary and overwhelming, however, we will assist you in providing information and resources to help you in this endeavor. Please know your social worker will help you build an individualized marketing plan.
In-State Program
Catholic Charities In-State Program matches families who have an approved home study with birth parents who make an adoption plan through our agency. Birth parents can choose from a pool of many adoptive families. What we have discovered over the years is the more the family is willing to be active in their adoption journey through marketing, the faster they will have a child placed in their home. Families also have the opportunity for their profile to be listed on our website and/or featured on our Facebook pages. Our In-State Program allows for several placement options including direct placement from the hospital.
Program requirements:
- adopting couples must be married for a minimum of 2 years
- have one child or less (some exceptions may be made for step-parent situations)
- have documented infertility
- be willing to participate in an open adoption relationship with the birth parents
- be practicing in their faith