
FolksHaven is a supported living house designed to offer young men who are living and struggling with mental health problems a supported and safe place to live for up to 2 years (depending on their needs) to regain mental strength. The house philosophy and environment, along with the availability of supportive services will help residents achieve a level of mental health recovery that allows them to take additional steps toward purposeful and independent living.

Residents, helpers and staff are invited to co-create a respectful, encouraging, and safe atmosphere that promotes individual empowerment for residents. The focus of FolksHaven will be on the residents supporting and educating one another to consistently practice strategies to live each day successfully. They will lead the way with:

  • Learning more about mental illness and how to manage it in daily life
  • Relating with others in the house, family and friends, and those in the community
  • An emphasis on exercise and being physically active
  • Spending time outdoors

There will also be attention to a healthy balanced diet and limiting use of social media and other forms of communication that can negatively affect one’s outlook.